Nåväl, den här gången ämnar jag vara lat och rippar därför helt fräckt amazons beskrivningar av de böcker jag fann allra intressantast. Håll till godo!
The tooth fairy
An unlikely s
prite assumes a sinister incarnation in this exceptional supernatural novel about a troublesome but endearing trio of boys coming of age in the English Midlands in the 1960s. Seven-year-old Sam first lays eyes on the Tooth Fairy, oddly dressed and smelling of horse's sweat and chamomile in the middle of the night after he has stashed a tooth under his pillow. Over the years, the fairy becomes a fixture in his life. No one else can see or hear this odd creature, who is sometimes male, sometimes female and alternately coy, cruel and cuddly.

The exchange
Caz and her best friend Lucy have a secret. Late at night, they break into strangers’ homes—not to steal anything, just for the rush. Then Caz gets caught in the act by elderly Mrs. Tranter, and before she knows it, the old woman has snapped a silver bracelet around her wrist. Caz can’t remove it, no matter what she does; and then it becomes part of her, sinking into her skin like a tattoo. Worst and most unsettling of all, it’s given her an unpredictable kind of ESP. She can see into people’s inner lives, whether she wants to or not.

Tom Webster quits teaching and visits his longtime friend and ex-lover, Sharon, in Jerusalem. Soon, he is haunted by hallucinations, or perhaps they're apparitions or djinnis, and is entrusted with some Dead Sea scroll fragments. Joyce's Jerusalem is suffused with squalor and splendor, religious meaning and political struggle, as Tom tries to figure out what a host of emissaries from both the natural and the supernatural realms are trying to tell him about the world and about himself.
Over a decade ago, four college students (Lee Peterson, Ella Innes, Brad Cousins, and Honora Brennan) were part of an experiment into "lucid dreaming". The experiment was considered safe as what harm could come from controlling one's dreams. However, on the DREAMSIDE of existence, the quartet began to intermingle and destroy their conscious lives. All four fled in terror from DREAMSIDE and more so from each other in an attempt to obtain peace of mind and regain a piece of reality. Now, as adults the dreams have returned as frightening nightmares. Desperate, the four seek each other out in a hope that together they can find a solution to the ever-growing darkness of the DREAMSIDE that threatens to destroy each one of them. Unable to be together because of the geometric potency of their combined dreaming, the foursome cannot separate if they are to find hope of escaping this nightmare.
The facts of life
In this moving
novel, Joyce traces the boyhood of Frank Vine, born into a loving and ramshackle family in the English countryside during World War II. The product of a brief liaison between an American GI and a local woman, Frank is marked with an extrasensory gift that he shares with his matriarchal grandmother and his emotionally unstable mother. Shortly after his birth, Frank's mother is deemed unfit to care for him, so his grandmother makes the executive decision that his care will be divided among his six aunts, each highly unconventional in her own right. During the next 10 years, Frank makes his home at a farm, a commune, and a makeshift mortuary, slowly finding his place in his eccentric but loving family.

Jag lär nog läsa The tooth fairy först - dels därför att det är hans kändaste bok, och dels därför att det helt enkelt verkar vara en bra plats att börja(eller, börja har jag ju redan gjort iom att jag läst hans senaste, memoirs...men ni fattar vad jag menar).
Hoppas nu bara att memoirs... inte var en isolerad lyckträff, hela det här inlägget faller liksom ihop som ett korthus(hahaha) då!
Jaja, jag lär återkomma med mer information när jag läst en eller flera av böckerna ovan...
3 kommentarer:
Ååååh, vad vi är släkt ibland! Precis den sortens böcker är det bästa jag vet också, allra helst om de dessutom är placerade i historisk miljö, då dör jag nästan av lycka! Magisk realism (fast old peculiar var förvisso nästan ännu finare), underbart med någon slags etikett äntligen också, vanligtvis är det hemskt knöligt att försöka förklara för folk vilka gemensamma nämnare den sortens böcker har.
Jag behöver knappast säga att den här gubben har potential att bli en favoritförfattare för mig också, va? :D
...nä, misstänkte väl att det skulle kunna vara din kopp te också...:)
Är du i närheten av Stockholm nästa helg så passa på att träffa honom själv!
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